Creating Visual Supports and Schedules for PreK Students with Disabilities

As adults, we rely on visual supports to navigate our daily lives. We often look to our Google calendars to see what’s next on our schedule. We create lists for the grocery store, and consult our never-ending to-do lists to complete tasks. Checking items off our lists and reviewing our calendar for what's next gives us a sense of accomplishment and reduces anxiety by providing clarity about our upcoming activities. Now, imagine being a 3, 4, or 5-year-old and getting placed inside a classroom with strangers, likely the first time away from parents for an extended period, with no idea about what will happen next. In these instances, implementation of visual supports can help ease the anxieties of our youngest learners, and especially for our students with disabilities.

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B.O.Y. I’m Glad to Be with TeachTown! (Part II)

We are pleased to announce the release of brand new bulk data management features, accessible to TeachTown administrators on the Manage Students page. These bulk edit features will help you get your lists set faster so you can spend more time supporting teachers and students. The Manage Students page has a new look and feel, including the ability to take bulk action to manage student profiles by adjusting: grade levels, student licenses, teacher-student associations, transferring students, and more!

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Addressing Sensory Processing Challenges in the Classroom

Imagine that peak moment when something sour, like lemon or lime juice, hits your tongue. You experience a rush of sensations, from the tingling on your taste buds to the involuntary wince and twitch of your facial muscles. Now, think about those times when you have an irritating itch on your body that you just can't seem to soothe, no matter how hard you try. These sensations might seem like minor inconveniences to some, but for individuals with sensory processing challenges, they can be a daily struggle.

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