White Papers & eBooks

Looking for credible, evidence-based information to help support your students with moderate to severe disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Look no further. TeachTown’s library of white papers (and, eBooks!) will offer you with the information you need on trending topics in education, as well as the research that supports our solutions – which are all founded based on the methodologies of applied behavior analysis (ABA).

The Superintendent’s Guide to Shaping Special Education Departments that WIN

This guide addresses many of the special educational complexities that keep you up at night and aim to provide you with tips to help you build and retain a special education department in your district that is set up for academic and financial success – for both your staff and students.

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Inclusion in PreK: Best Practices for Reaching ALL Learners

In this eBook, we will outline curricular best practices in inclusive early childhood settings for educators to use as a guidepost when working alongside our youngest learners.

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2023 Year in Review Resource Guide

This 2023 Year in Review Resource Guide for Special Educators highlights a full year of resources that have been designed to help you help your students thrive.

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Mitigating The Threat of Litigation in Special Education

Special education leaders want to uphold the laws that protect the rights of students with disabilities to ensure they truly have access to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). Yet, thousands of mediation requests, due process complaints, and state complaints are filed across the nation every year. Discover the federal laws and landmark cases that guide special education policies, explore the key threats to litigation, and identify best practices that minimize districts’ legal entanglement and maximize student learning.

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Ace This Back-to-School Season: Tips and Strategies for Admins, Teachers and Families

With the new school year just around the corner, many of you are in prep mode. Special education administrators are crossing all of their T's and dotting all of their I's ensuring that district plans are in place. Teachers are getting their classrooms ready and familiarizing themselves with student rosters (and everything that comes along with that!). And, parents and families are stocking up on school supplies and making sure their children are all set for the new school year. While it can feel like a mad dash to get to the first day of school, it doesn’t have to be chaotic. In this how-to guide, we’ll navigate a few simple planning tips for special education administrators, teachers and families that will allow for a smooth transition back to school this year.

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Navigating the Top 5 Challenges in Special Education

This eBook uncovers the top 5 pressing pain points that special educators face and offers strategies to help navigate them effectively to ensure your students have every opportunity to thrive.

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A Guide to TeachTown’s Evidence-Based Practices

All TeachTown curricula are firmly rooted in evidence-based instructional practices that have been proven to be effective for students with moderate to severe disabilities in formal research studies. It is worth noting here what we mean when we say “evidence-based practices”– According to federal education law, the term evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to an activity, strategy, or intervention that demonstrates a statistically significant effect on improving student outcomes.

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Writing Effective IEP Goals: A Step-By-Step Guide for New-To-Special Education Teachers

This guide is designed to help new-to-the-field special educators define best practices for writing effective IEP goals that will drive students down a path of academic and personal success.

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Time to Spend ESSER Funds Is Running Out

This pillar report presents an overview of special education funding that is meant to serve as a guidepost for special education administrators who are new to decision-making and budgeting processes within their districts or local education agencies (LEAs).

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Staff Shortages in Special Education: Is There a Remedy?

In this eBook, we identify what is contributing to staff shortages (we see you, pandemic!), how districts and organizations can continue to provide students with high-quality instruction and different ways to help prevent additional churn.

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