General Operating Procedures FAQs

What is TeachTown?

TeachTown is the umbrella name for all of our programs. Depending on what your district has purchased for you, you will have access to one or more programs from our suite. The complete list of programs includes:

  • enCORE (broken down by elementary, middle and high school)
  • Basics
  • Social Skills
  • Meta-Play
  • Transition to Adulthood
  • Health and Wellness
  • SLP Assist
When accessing any TeachTown program, will it work on an iPad, Android, or another computer?

All programs are available through a web browser on Chromebooks, laptops, and desktop computers. If you are accessing TeachTown programs on an iPad, apps for each TeachTown program should be downloaded from the app store. Please be sure to use the TeachTown apps if accessing the programs on an iPad.  For up-to-date information about specific system requirements, please visit this link.

Do I need to install anything to use TeachTown programs?

If accessing the program(s) via a web browser on a desktop, laptop, or Chromebook, there is nothing to install. However, if you are using an iPad, you will need to install the relevant app. To view our apps in the Apple App Store, please click here.

Who is a facilitator?

A facilitator is the person (or people) on a student’s team who is responsible for making program changes and monitoring student progress in the TeachTown Program(s). They will be able to access the TeachTown program(s) assigned to them by their school district, view program content, make changes to programming for students, and review data collected in the program. In most cases, a special education teacher will be the facilitator for their caseload of students. If more than one teacher is working with a student, it is possible to have multiple facilitators for the same student*. To protect student confidentiality, never share your username and password with others.

*Multiple facilitators can be limited by licensing restrictions. Please contact your account manager or account executive if you have questions about multiple facilitator access in your district.

How will students access TeachTown programs?

Students will access TeachTown programs via a student log-in. Teachers can manually create usernames and passwords for students, or school districts can choose to set up login via SAML Single Sign-on Integration or OneRoster Integration.

I am experiencing technical problems when using a TeachTown program. What should I do?

We are happy to help! You can call, email, or submit a tech support ticket:

Phone: (800) 283-0165 ext. 4


Submit a ticket

All this information is available on the TeachTown website by selecting ‘Support” at the top of the page.

Will I lose my student’s data if their account becomes deactivated?

No. TeachTown stores your student’s data on our secure server at all times. The data will not be deleted even if you suspend (deactivate) your student’s account. This allows you to reactivate your student anytime and still have all their data.

How is data transmitted between TeachTown programs and the central server?

Data is transmitted over an encrypted server. Please contact your Client Service Specialist for more information if you have any questions about this.

Can I prevent my students from exiting the programs?

On an iPad, you can set up guided access. Guided Access will lock your student into the app until you turn off guided access with a password.