Evidence of Success

Stakeholders have a vested interest in knowing that the educational programs proposed to impact the lives of children with moderate to severe disabilities, including those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are based, as far as possible, on evidence, so that the resources available to fund these programs are used in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Surprisingly, there is little known about the impact of any curricula on the outcomes of students with special needs. Evaluation studies drawing on multiple methodologies and meeting scientific standards can provide that information.

TeachTown is committed to actively participate in high-quality research on its programs that address not only the question of what works, but also the question for whom it is effective, as well as what factors moderate program effectiveness.

Click on the Evidence of Success stories below to learn more about the meaningful educational gains students using TeachTown were able to achieve:

TeachTown & Canyon ISD

In this customer success story, we will define how Canyon ISD is implementing TeachTown’s K-12 standards-based, adapted core curriculum, enCORE, along with its supporting learning interventions, to deliver a whole child approach.

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TeachTown & Clairview School

In this customer success story, we will define how Clairview School is implementing TeachTown’s K-12 standards-based, adapted core curriculum, enCORE, along with its supporting learning interventions, to deliver a whole child approach.

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Evidence of Success: enCORE Elementary

In the enCORE Elementary Evidence of Success story, students mastered a broad range of new ELA and Math skills (evidenced by rigorous, clinical research standard-assessments), retained those skills after instruction ended (evidenced by post-test scores), and generalized their learning several weeks after instruction ended (evidenced by demonstration of skills in novel probes).

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Gold Standards of Implementation: How Fulton County Schools is Changing the Game

Fulton County Schools employs more than 10,900 teachers and other certified personnel who work full- and part-time employees, and more than 6,900 teachers and other certified personnel who work in 108 schools and administrative and support buildings. During the 2022-23 school year, a projected enrollment of 89,450 students will attend classes in 59 elementary schools, 19 middle schools, 19 high schools, 10 start-up charter organizations (some charters have multiple campuses but are considered one school), and 1 full-time virtual school. In this implementation guide, we will define how Fulton County Schools is implementing TeachTown’s K-12 standards-based, adapted core curriculum, enCORE, along with its supporting learning interventions to deliver a whole child approach. 

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TeachTown & The School District of Pickens County

Discover how a comprehensive adapted core curriculum increased academic rigor for students with moderate to severe disabilities, reduced teacher planning burden, and sparked teacher creativity across elementary schools in SDPC. The School District of Pickens County (SDPC) is a county-wide system in northwestern South Carolina located at the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. With a student population of just over 16,000 and about 2,000 total staff, the School District of Pickens County is South Carolina’s 15th largest school district.

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TeachTown Basics: Data Spotlight

Independent academic researchers have studied the effectiveness of TeachTown Basics for nearly 2 decades. From rigorous single-case designs in early childhood classrooms to studies of multiple schools with hundreds of student participants in large urban districts, all studies point to the same conclusion: TeachTown Basics works for students with moderate to severe disabilities.

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Effects of Transition to Adulthood on Functional Skills for Students with Disabilities

The study provides evidence that Transition to Adulthood is effective in teaching critical transition skills to high school students with disabilities.

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Feasibility Study of the Meta-Play Method in a Community Setting

A recent case study shows improvements in communication and social skills for students on the autism spectrum after seven months of participating in our Meta-Play solution. Meta-Play is a play-based curriculum and assessment designed to foster imaginative thinking and pretend play and, in turn, age-appropriate communication and social skills.

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