TeachTown for Smaller Districts

Offering your smaller district special education curriculum and interventions that are rooted in evidence-based teaching practices and designed to improve student outcomes.

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TeachTown Basics    Social Skills    Transition to Adulthood

Systematic instruction for students with disabilities

Ranging in age appropriateness from early childhood through transition to adulthood, our suite of solutions is designed exclusively for students with moderate to severe disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities and emotional and behavior disorders.

Our curriculum and interventions support new and veteran special education teachers with anchored instruction rooted in evidence-based teaching practices. Your whole special education team will be set up for success with a curated, step-by-step guide to ensure effective implementation.

Explore our solutions

TeachTown Basics

Developmentally 2 – 10 years

TeachTown Basics offers a blend of teacher-led and computer-assisted Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) instruction proven to increase a student’s vocabulary, listening skills, social-emotional development, independence, academic and cognitive skills.

Data are automatically captured and tracked and can be shared among team members to set program goals. Student progress reports and graphs are available to everyone on the education team. Each student’s information can be synchronized across multiple locations from a secure server, making TeachTown Basics a truly portable intervention.

Within the 450+ generalization lessons, activities focus on generalizing skills taught on the computer, in classroom and other environments. These engaging lessons use naturalistic teaching that focuses on relationship building, following the rules, and working together. The motivating, child-friendly activities are designed to be easy to understand and implement.

These generalization lessons target the same six learning domains, and each activity is linked to one or more lessons in the TeachTown Basics software. The computer-based discrete trial training lessons and teacher-led generalization lessons each target one of the following learning domains: 

  • Adaptive
  • Cognitive
  • Language Arts
  • Language Development
  • Mathematics, and 
  • Social Emotional Learning

Learn more about TeachTown Basics

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Social Skills

teachtown social skills logo
Primary to secondary school

TeachTown Social Skills is a comprehensive curriculum broken down into two components: primary and secondary school. The solution teaches socially valid skills for the younger age group, followed by an increase in emotional intelligence and building self-management skills for middle schoolers.

Social Skills Characters

Students often need extra support when it comes to mastering social skills, and that’s why we created TeachTown Social Skills! This comprehensive, character-based video-modeling intervention follows the adventures of fun, relatable, animated characters as they learn to cooperate, respect personal space, express emotions appropriately and more.

TeachTown Social Skills combines high-quality animations with teacher-driven lessons, activities and assessment tools. Each target social skill is presented in a 2- to 4-minute animated episode and is part of a series of lesson plans that include methods for differentiating instruction and promoting generalization.

Primary Social Skills is designed for students with a minimum language level of 4 years and include the following 5 behavioral domains:

  • Domain 1: Following Rules
  • Domain 2: Interpersonal Skills
  • Domain 3: Self-Regulation & Coping
  • Domain 4: Good Communication
  • Domain 5: Friendship

Secondary Social Skills has been created to meet the needs of students who have difficulties in the areas of communication, social interaction, pragmatics, self-management, problem-solving, and/or emotional awareness, and include the following 6 behavioral domains:

  • Domain 1: Building and Maintaining Relationships
  • Domain 2: Interpersonal Skills
  • Domain 3: Problem-Solving
  • Domain 4: Self-Awareness
  • Domain 5: Personal Care
  • Domain 6: Safety and Community Participation

Learn more about Social Skills

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Transition to Adulthood

transition to adulthood
Secondary to post-secondary

Transition to Adulthood is built around evidence-based practices to meet the needs of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities as they begin transition planning.

State Standards

It is mandatory that transition planning begins for every student who has an IEP before that student is 16 years old, but there is a need for effective programming and evidence-based curricula to support transition-aged students. This is exactly why Transition to Adulthood was developed.

Transition to Adulthood uses point-of-view video modeling, task analyses, computer-based lessons, teacher-delivered lessons, and visual supports to teach a range of critical, functional skills in the areas of: 

  • Personal Life Skills
  • Home Skills
  • Vocational Skills
  • Community Skills
  • Leisure Skills. 

It also includes an online assessment tool for progress monitoring.

These assessments feature a task analysis where the target skill/task is broken down into measurable steps. The task analysis allows the staff to note whether the student completed each step independently, or if they required a certain level of prompting (as described in the lesson plans). The data are collected and reported automatically.

Learn more about Transition to Adulthood

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