enCORE’s instructional technology allows you the opportunity to deliver your core curriculum in a variety of instructional settings across a range of devices. Powerful tools and data reporting integrate with outstanding content to bring all of your students to mastery on key concepts and skills. All of enCORE’s technology adapts to your learner’s needs and automatically manages the selection and presentation of lessons for you and your students.
enCORE’s teacher dashboard is intuitive and easy to use. Your students and upcoming events are always visible on the homepage and starting an individual student session, setting a student’s academic level, entering and viewing IEP goals, and more, are only a click away. It’s easy to enter or change your students’ academic levels.
While enCORE automatically manages lessons for you, the “Curriculum” tab provides a single place to access and preview all technology lessons as well as access, preview, download or print PDF’s of the teacher lesson plans, children’s literature titles, accompanying student worksheets and Unit assessments. All lessons and lesson resources can be searched by keyword, skills domain, grade band or Unit, and can be further filtered by whether the lessons are teacher-led or student-led.
The entire enCORE curriculum is organized so that you can quickly find what you are looking for. Once you’re in a Unit and thematic book, simply tab across to see all PDF lesson plans, PDF lesson resources such as student worksheets and children’s literature titles, interactive lessons that you deliver or your students work on independently, and of course the Unit assessments.
Your students will experience the same high-quality literature as their typically-developing peers. enCORE provides access to literature in both print and an instructional e-reader with all of the teacher instructional prompts built in. A full video of each eBook is accessed by clicking on the camera icon.
enCORE provides teachers a unique and easy-to-use platform to deliver engaging lessons that are customized for each of your student’s individual academic levels. Whether it is whole class, small group, or one-to-one instruction, enCORE manages lesson selection for each student and manages your delivery of these lessons across all students in your class or group – cycling from student to student and automatically delivering the next lesson in each student’s sequence.
Your students will love working independently on enCORE’s student-led lessons. enCORE’s standards-aligned lessons support each Unit and book theme across all four learning domains – plus they will master skills and concepts in other critical domains such as adaptive skills, cognitive skills and social emotional learning.
As with the teacher-led lessons, enCORE automatically selects and manages lessons from across all learning domains that are at the appropriate academic level for each student. Students can access enCORE lessons from anywhere on virtually any device. Data tracking and reporting is made easy since data is captured with each click of the mouse – and that data is integrated with your teacher-led lesson data to give you the most complete picture of student progress against your state learning standards.