Welcome to TeachTown’s webinar library! We invite you to tune in to our live and on-demand webinar series where thought leaders in special education, alongside our very own solution experts, will come together to share invaluable insight into the realm of special education.
Tune into this webinar as Jessica Cantu, M.Ed., BCBA, Solutions Engineer, TeachTown, discusses tips for boosting teacher retention in special education.
In this webinar, Katie Giberson uncovers the top 5 pressing pain points that special educators face and offers strategies to help navigate them effectively to ensure your students have every opportunity to thrive.
We are thrilled to announce the release of TeachTown Benchmark Assessments! Now available to all enCORE K-12 users, TeachTown Benchmark Assessments are live in the platform and available as downloadable PDFs. TeachTown Benchmark Assessments include 190 assessments (average 10-15 items each) across ELA, Math, & Early Learning skills. They have been designed to help you monitor your students’ progress on an individual skill over time and show growth. As such, we recommend teachers administer benchmark assessments 3 times per school year: beginning of year, middle of year, and end of year.
In this webinar, we'll navigate a few simple planning tips for special education administrators & teachers that will allow for a smooth transition back to school this year.
In this webinar, Jessica Cantu, M.Ed., BCBA, walks attendees through how to improve communication & social skills, address functional & foundational academics. boost core academic progress & master critical functional skills to boost overall student outcomes.
In this webinar, Dr. Jessica Godsey discusses the Science of Reading and how educators can reference the research to implement effective reading instruction for students with moderate to severe disabilities.
During this webinar, Jessica Cantu, BCBA, M.Ed., gives an overview about how our K-12 standards-based, adapted core curriculum, enCORE, works alongside our supporting interventions to deliver a whole child approach.
In this User Experience Session, Michelle Morales from Mount Pleasant ISD in Mount Pleasant, TX discusses her school's experience with TeachTown Basics and our K-12 standards-based, adapted core curriculum: enCORE.
In this webinar, Jennifer Ritchie discusses Utica Community School's experience using TeachTown Basics, Social Skills and enCORE.
During this webinar, Caitlin Marks, BCBA, M.Ed., and Kelley Spainhour, MAT, discuss how educators can successfully collaborate to implement a whole child approach. Adaptive, vocational, social, behavioral and cognitive skills, along with physical and emotional well-being, all play a critical role in supporting a whole child approach that helps students reach their full potential.