Educators are always looking for new ideas to capture their students’ attention in fun and engaging ways, and it’s an added bonus when said ways are built on evidence-based practices. Are you trying to brainstorm all of the fun instructional techniques for your students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and/or an intellectual disability that are evidence-based now? Here’s one concept to get you started: VIDEO MODELING!
Video modeling is a technology-based intervention that utilizes video recording to provide a visual representation of a targeted behavior or desired skill, which is then implemented after. While there are different types of video modeling, including basic video-modeling, self video-modeling and point-of-view video modeling, each individual student will respond in a unique manner to each of the different types.
Basic video modeling is the most common form of video modeling and can be best described as a recording of a typical peer engaging in a target behavior or skill which is then viewed by the student, role played, supported with visuals and then implemented.
With self video modeling, individuals observe themselves performing the desired behavior or skill. In many cases, the student will be recorded engaging in the steps to carry out the desired behavior or skill, and then the recording will be edited into a file that shows smooth implementation for the student to play back and learn from.
Point-of-view video modeling is when the video is recorded from the perspective of what the student will see when they perform the target behavior or skill.
Video modeling has been documented to yield positive learning outcomes when it comes to teaching life skills, job skills, social and emotional learning skills, play skills, motor skills, as well as academic and communication skills.
TeachTown is an education software company that creates evidence-based solutions specifically for students with moderate to severe disabilities, including those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability. As such, the majority of our education curriculums and solutions incorporate technology-based video modeling into the lesson plans, including the following programs:
Get in touch with one of our experts for more information about the solution(s) of your choice and to learn how the incorporated video modeling can make a difference for your students.
National Professional Development Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2010). Evidence-based practice brief: video modeling. NPDC-ASD. Retrieved from