The beginning of the school year will be here before we know it!
To make your lives simpler during the busy back to school sprint, we are releasing several new data management features over the next few weeks. You will save time and increase efficiency with auto-licensing and rostering synchronization. These features will help you get your lists set so you can spend more time supporting teachers and students.
Check out the NEW advanced administration tools you’ll see within the platform regarding auto-licensing and rostering synchronization:
Now, district partners who utilize integration can automatically assign licenses to facilitators and students when added via Clever or OneRoster. Auto-licensing will be addressed with each District during their yearly renewal process (existing clients) and during the onboarding process (new clients). The auto-licensing work happens on the backend of the platform through the TeachTown support team. Your dedicated TeachTown representative will have the conversation about licensing options to be sure you’re set up for success.
If your District does not utilize integration, you can still create new students and assign licenses with ease. We’ve made this process simpler and updated the user interface so that there are fewer clicks to get everyone up and running.
Districts who utilize integration will experience greater automation with the rostering process. When updates are made to Clever or OneRoster, the TeachTown system will automatically update the student and teacher lists accordingly. In other words, the class lists will match and everything stays in sync!
As a reminder, administrators already have the ability to bulk import and export student and teacher lists, identify potential duplicates, and merge when appropriate to do so. These tech tools are additional supports for mass updates for licensing and rostering.
TeachTown is proud to support multiple integrations, including Single Sign-On (SSO) and Rostering via Clever, SAML/OneRoster, and ClassLink.
⮞ To export teacher lists, navigate to the TeachTown homepage
⮞ From there, follow this click path: Manage Facilitators → Bulk Export Facilitators
⮞ Records exported can be filtered by students who are licensed, unlicensed, and activity within the program
⮞ To export student lists, navigate to the TeachTown homepage
⮞ From there, follow this click path: Manage Students → Bulk Export Students
!! Important – Exporting student lists involves downloading students’ personally identifiable information (PII) and is strictly an administrative feature. Do not assign administrative permissions to school personnel who should not have access to this data. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) outlines the privacy rules for students’ personally identifiable information.
Bulk export of teacher lists allows administrators to work through rostering and licensing updates en masse, saving time and decreasing the likelihood of manual data entry errors. For those who prefer it, manual data management is still an option!
In the Resource Center, there’s a folder just for Admin. Additionally, you can always contact your dedicated TeachTown representative for help.
The beginning of the school year is a busy time for everyone, including & especially special education administrators. You’ve got compliance review, new teacher training, student schedules, and so much more. We’ve built the tools to bring more ease and greater efficiency to the admin burden ahead of the new year. Our system will do the heavy lifting around student data management and integration to support a streamlined start to your new school year.